          核四停工 Singapore is the shame on all Chinese, Singapore is the evidence that any Chinese got educated in the West 租辦公室ern high place all become the most evil slavery torrors, all become the most disgusting thieves.Taiwan 核四 must have to 停工 as long as you have 0ne 酒店工作Taiwanese against to have that construction. Taiwan does not need any foreign investor or any foreign investment, what Taiwan needs is not to allow any foreigners to ha 買屋ve any path to coming, because all foreigners who got the path to enter TAiwan all either the most disgusting trash(You just need to have the brain cell and common sense to question yourself, ev 房屋出租en the most evil Chinese must have to steal Taiwanese phony ID to suck, how digusting those foreign trash must be, not even bother to hide inside a trash bag to show their sucks) or the most poision ivy(You just n 信用貸款eed to have the common sense and brain cell to question how could any foreign money can have the room to enlarge without profit your evil Chinese big mouthful pocket first, like Chinese said "Chyoung.Lone.Boot.Yard.Deed.Toll.Sir) .Ta 禮服iwan does not need nuclear(If you want to have nuclear weapon, that must belong to military affair, none of you can have the right to have a say; if you want to build up nuclear power plan, you must have every Taiwanese who cares this issue agrees with you, 酒店工作otherwise, you must not have the right to make that construction, because every Taiwanese must have the right to do the best to guard the good Taiwan natural environment.) power plan, because Taiwan most needed is the natural environment so that you can have the good soi 裝潢l back to the future. You should encourage people to use the natural way to cook like all Taiwanese farmer used to do. Your electricity only need for light, you don't need to have refrigerator or air condition, so that you can have the evil doers to agree to keep the best Japanese style of house that 烤肉食材 most suitable to Taiwan natural weather and environment. You need to close your border, you need to control your birth, so that you can afford to live in the samll Taiwan island peacefully.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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