          回覆:神的預知 # 1045 關鍵字行銷B8&pn=900 Therefore, I realized that Bush jun 帛琉ior went to UN to give that speech indeed because he already knew t 宜蘭民宿hat it's US evilest liar President Bill Clinton plot trying to force Bush junior to take 澎湖民宿 that crime of war fear, therefore, coward Bush junior placed his personal fear above national integrity to go to U 東森房屋N to give that speech. I remember at that time inside Bush administration the voice opposed him to go to UN quite high, I did not understan 賣屋d why at that time, and I did not know UN suck at that time also, therefore, I just did what I could to side with US President Bush whatever he decided to go. Yo 好房網u are President, you have to do the duty to kill. Obama should learn the lesson from ChenSwayBen failed to kill LeeDoneWheel,learn the lesson from Bush junior failed to kill his own 售屋網dad Bush senior and that sucking lair criminal Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton, to do his duty kill all his USA existing Presidents. So that he can be the only one President inside USA. You 花蓮民宿need to kill Obama when he showing up inside UN, or place suicide bomber to kill all UN along with Obama. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉  .

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