請加入簽署保護雨林的環保行動~由英國王儲查理斯王子發起 親愛的朋友:雨林對人類及其他物種的生存至為重要:雨林能吸收百分之十五人為排放的二氧化碳雨林能提供食物給十六億世界最貧窮的人雨林有百分之七十的植物有抗癌功能每四秒就有一個足球場大小的林地被破壞近五十年來就有三分之一的雨林消失這項保護雨林的簽署由英國王儲查爾斯王子發起,將在年底(十二月)的哥本哈根聯合國氣候變遷會議上呈給全世 找房子界的領導人,以共同想出一個阻止氣候變遷的方法,包括終止森林破壞。雨林砍伐造成五分之一的二氧化碳排放,比所有的交通工具加總起來的量還多,查爾斯王子呼籲世界領袖一起保護重要的生態系統,他希望此次哥本哈根舉行的會議,能設立一個新的基金機制—富有的國家付費給貧窮的國家--如此他們就可以不用砍森林 室內設計維生。雨林對抗暖化是極端重要的,他說:雨林能吸收人為的五分之一二氧化碳排放量,但現在雨林正以四秒鐘消失一個足球場的速率被破壞中。我們必須想辦法讓大眾瞭解:這些活的樹比砍伐下來死的樹更有價值,以防止人們濫砍。只要花您幾分鐘 就能拯救自己美麗的家園請至 www.rainforestSOS.org 留下您的英文名字(第一格請填上名 第二 好房網格填上姓氏)和訊息(請以英文書寫)如果您有e-mail 信箱請填上如果沒有也沒關係(可以不必填)訊息貼完後 直接按 SEND 寄出即可為方便大家連署我們提供以下多則英文訊息範本 供您選擇 只要選擇一個訊息,複製後再貼在 your SOS message的框框中即可。Fantastic! It’ about time to stop hurting our natural resources.Thank you, Prince Charles, for your cou 房屋買賣rageous action.SOS! Help the Earth!We should protect the forest!Act now please, before it’s too late.It’s only when we preserve the forest, can we survive.Let’s help to keep the forest ASAP.Stop the tropical forest destruction!This is the most urgent thing to do for now—stop the forest destruction.Keep the Rainforest.The trees are incredible natural 辦公室出租 resources.I would like to thank you, Prince Charles, for taking such a significant step to help halt the global warming.You have my highest respect, dear Prince Charles.As a leader, thank you for being such a wonderful role model! SOS, help our Rainforest.We should all protect our Rainforest.It the Rainforest destroyed, we human will be the next to face the consequence.Help 烤肉 save the Rainforest!Stop deforestation!Let’s hand in hand work for preserving our natural resources.Trees are necessary to our survival!Saving all the lives on Earth, please help reserve the Rainforest!Trees can help cool down the Earth.Rainforest are invaluable assets!To survive, we need the Rainforest.We belong to the Biological Chain. And we depend on each other to survive. Once the chain is br 有巢氏房屋oken or inbalanced, our survival will be threatened.I am all for stopping the tropical rainforest destruction!We really should act right now, the climate change has been increasing too fast!Stop the deforestation= stop the natural disaster.Stopping the deforestation is the most solid way to show our love to our beloved ones!Let’s unite together and help each other by saving our Rainforest.The Rainforest help absorb the 好房網CO2 emission, It’s invaluable!SOS, the Mother Earth is calling for help! Please help save the rainforest!It’s only when we are able to stop tropical rainforest destruction, can we tackle the climate change.Our rainforest if quickly missing, we should really watch out for this issue!It save lives, we should act right now, no time to discuss any further.Act the right way—stop the tropical rainforest destruction!台北小中心 Email: taipei 租辦公室center@loveocean.org 電話:(02)2706-6168 傳真:(02)2705-6288 愛海藝文廣場開放時間:週一~週六:早上10:00~下午4:30 每月第二週週六不開放地址:台北市復興南路二段78巷30弄5號地下樓 網址:http://www.loveocean.org 清海無上師新聞雜誌 http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/index.htm 『無上師電視台』每週七天每天24小時 http://www.SupremeMasterTV.com/tw .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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